Stuffing pocket nappies and folding hacks

Stuffing pocket nappies and folding hacks

What is an insert?
How many inserts do I need?
How can I get the best performance from my inserts? 
What is boosting?
You'll find all of the answers on this post!
What is an insert?
A pocket nappy is just the cover, a cover that holds the pad in place to absorb the wee! 
You'll need to put inserts into the pocket to absorb liquid (I seriously didn't realise this at the beginning of my journey) 
This post tells you how to do it
How many inserts do I need?
There is a lot of trial and error when it comes to getting this right for your baby, for a very young baby, you'll be able to just use one. They aren't taking on so much fluid yet, and poop a lot! So you're changing them all of the time at this stage. But, as your child grows, their bladder gets bigger, and they're drinking more. You may need to add an extra insert. I never found that I needed more than two with my son.
How can I get the best performance from my inserts? 
I'm going to let you into a secret.... one flat, one folded! 
Boy babies 
This is the hack for boy babies - fold a second insert in half and place it at the front. This is also good for front sleepers
boy fold
Girl babies 
This is the hack for girl babies - fold a second insert in half and place it in the middle of the flat one. This is a little trickier to stuff as it requires a bit more balancing. 
And you're good to go! 
Both inserts don't have to be the same material either, at Green Cheeks we're all about hemp as hemp is the highest absorber of all nappy fabric our there. 
If you're mixing inserts, you want the fastest absorber closest to baby, and the greater volume absorber at the back. This makes your fast absorber take the liquid away quickly and work it's way into the back. 
What is boosting?
That was boosting!
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